Monday 22 August 2011

Why are you sending in aid, we dont need aid, nor do we wish for it in Libya. We have mass oil reserves' that can supply our nation with funds for hundreds of years to come.

You are easing your own weight of war mongering', by making us look as if we are in need of aid distributions', this is not Ethiopia where people are in part famine.

We are one of the wealthiest oil rich countries in the world, as for a spokes person for Libya, I will be that....with communications cut.

Libya has not fallen, the power of our population of inland residence who support the regal regime are still the strong hold, and there will be out and utter warfare....let it commence.

You will not steal from us, you will not bribe us, nor will you silence us....

You are murdering, slaughtering, misleading the people into corruptions' solely for the gain of oil distributions to the west.....all in the name of what, when you have slaughter murdered, child sex and other horrendous crimes' against all rabs in all parts of the Arab world, depending on who float your boat at what particular time, you swing from one fractional section to another as you please, to gain the advances over our populations of people........when will you as Arabs wake up, this isnt about you, and or your liberties'.....this is about occupation, wealth gain and monetary interests in mass formations' from illegal exports as the minimum price to gain the Maxim profit, in the west, leaving you still at worst of the economical change, a little aid to accommodate for years of work force and economical growth through proper negotiations and contracting changes', I know what I would prefer...they are nothing again I will state, but thieves' in the night, a deliberated con, to cause fighting between land and people that have co existed for forty years in relative peace.....

Now ask yourself, is nato your friend.

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