Friday 5 August 2011

Charges set out against the police force, I am sure we can come to some compromises along the way.....?

Legal solicitor of self representation

1. You Misled myself, under false pretences', in the belief that I was entering a well functioning artist circle of credible credentials'..

2. You thereafter, went on to further your campaign by illegal entry without the right of suggestive and or produced warrant, to search my property under, private eye, of what is highly illegal, inside self maintenance of rented and or other property status that is issued under contracted terms and conditions, of the tenants agreement as in the case of myself.

3. You went about thereafter, under false pretences, to suggestively entrap me, by offerings of antiquities.

4. You thus set-up and or about, a functioning private eye, to observe and look through and or spy without justification into my private space of accommodations', without certified reasons for doing so.....only on assumptions-non-factual-ideologies of my lifestyle and what you thought and or presumed that I represented.

5. You subjected me to intensive cruelty of mental tortures', attacks against my children, by use of private eyes', that were compressed into psychologies that have left my children and myself under extreme I complaints that can be backed up by factual evidences'....

6. Trying to incriminate me and or entrap me into self belief that I suffer from mental and or high insanity, under pressured circumstance of investigations', whereby you sent in a team to try to purposely drive me into a crazy and or frenzy that could have resulted in my own fatality and or my children's fatalities'....and more. This pressured circumstance lasting for a good 11 year period....its a wonder I am still standing with level handedness, having vast expense of law and or legal; proceedings is a vast credit to such skull druggies'.

Talk to my negotiators'.

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