Monday 22 August 2011

The mass population agree to his system and living arrangements', so why are nato there?, they have no reason to be there, they have no legal rights to be there?

And all the time your nations people are dying needlessly at the hands of governments that take decisions based on oil prices?

Your husbands, your children's fathers', and mothers, cousins, nephews, and nieces', plus the infliction of bad reputations of mass war crimes in the process of their mission to over throw a relatively peace regime, whereby all that Gaddafi's wishes' for is fair-trade for his oil export, is that too much to ask from an over barring, fat nation of oil, business and franchise countries that seem to advertise and work with one another across Europe and America?

Or is it just a slave thing, whereby, if we can inslave its better then paying......all the while gambling with mass peoples lives', in the process of trying to yet again inslave a nation of oil rich heritage, I cant see them giving up the fight........oh here, just take our belongings of heritage , without even a mummer of refusal......

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