Thursday 18 August 2011

After, being rushed back from my positional post, situated top secret location, while planning to continue and work on the remaining inmates in and around Guantanamo....

I was subjected to a bout of illness, whereby I had to be rushed into accident and emergency, where I remained in hospital for more then a seven day period.

In that, I received continual complaints from highly professional staff of doctorate and other, that cleaning staff, who have held permanent positions on site for many years, in land locational hospitals', can offer so much more to the departments', then just bed cleaning and or furniture removals'

The idea is, that after so many years of on site observations' made by assistant cleaners', there are so many cleaning staff that can offer so much to the wards, whereby thereafter they can part train along with the professional staff, to offer extra support and caring assistance, of what has already been embedded into them through minor observations and or other while at and or on foot work around the wards;, at a fraction of the time consuming schooling, that doesn't offer even the minimum onsite training of practical resource.....and rather, after all the theory work, the students still find themselves faced with onsite training after years of studying at locational universities'.

The association of doctors' and or other highly professional staff have asked that they be allowed to make a formal choices' and make and or put forward recommendations to nominate those from the cleaning departments and or lower position of staff units, that they feel have the potential to train alongside and or with them, into a more secure staffing position, where they are then offered promotion, and a new regulation of employment.

After years of extensive training themselves', its not as if, they are not qualified to make a decisive decision about who they can nominate for alongside training and or courses'.

There has been high com;plaints about the medical-associational-furniture that is being distributed onto the wards is designed far to heavy for the ward floors all across the nation....and that the staff are continually moving the furniture on and off the wards to keep the weight distribution down.

And that, none of these heavy designs are any good, and that the wards are sitting ducks for another epilogue of tragic events of Titanic.

And that the current designs should be dismantled and reused for smaller lighter alternatives', and to leave a remaining few of the other heavy designs for special requirement patients'.

I noted, that the television combis' that hang from the hospital wards', on suspension designs', weigh at least two kilos' each, each hospital room that contains four to six single rooms', in one, thats' 12 unnecessary kilos in each individual multi purpose room.....with at least five of these multiple rooms on one side of the ward...That's sixty unnecessary kilos' or one small person......that's to too mention the heavy utility new designed beds, each weighing 250 kilos'. Plus heavier weighing women and men.......And the staff also mentioned that all the wards are the same across the nation, and that a review and rescaling needs to take place.

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