Tuesday 28 June 2011

Writing own books and or other projects, by parents', that have such conditional circumstance, is done during hours whereby respite and or other components of affiliations', such as school life, can offer, the time to be able to dedicate extra support for their own children, who have and or suffer from long term conditional illnesses', but this isn't the same as writing applications' for disabled allowance, and that time of organisations' to be able to offer such supportive programmes for own self and or other, is extensive in hardship of working long hours', in other non regular hours'.

And is time consuming, and has consequences too, like additional tiredness.

Form applications' are at the bottom of the list of priorities, when high maintenance is a obligation, of extreme conditional circumstance, and should be other ways and smaller and or less time spent asking the same effective questions over and over again, when high programmes of sickness and other cleaning needs', to be attended too, for prolonged periods of time, in relation to illness and or other.

Remembering that people who don't live with disabilities have little and or no knowledge of what this actually entails', and that it is more complexed and complicated then what people who are living under normal circumstance has to deal with on a day to day bases'.

And that, blame should only lay with those responsible for self actions', of manipulations', and fraud is obvious to those that have dealt with claims for many years'. They can see clearly a A star application to a E grader trying to pose as a sick claim of effectiveness, and should be left to do their job with the minimum usage of questions', with additional support from doctors associations and or other.

Anyway I have a flight to catch.

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