Sunday 5 June 2011

This is it, the final strew...

Can you all ask, Sir Richard Branson, a knight from the round table, why he is charging an £ 11. 00 pound fee, on subscription for Asian channels', when sky distribute these channels for no charge at all.

The company telephone operative, stated that, these channels' are purchased at a price, from SKY....however, they failed to state, the virgin media tax on top of the sky fee.

Sky is charging between £3.00 to £4.00 pounds, via each individual consumer, via an operative links, between themselves' and why then is Sir Richard Branson, charging an additional £8 pound fee, pure profit on Asian channels', when Asia is in the middle of a natural disaster zone.

Is Asia living in slave hood, hang on a minute..... remember me...whose me....PG tips'........

One minute......why are you all not on the £8.pound pure profit...shouldn't that be £4.50

Altogether per month for asain channels'

£3.00 to £4.00 pounds to sky and then an additional £4.50 to virgin media....thus he will make 50 pence pure profit per consumer...why is the tariff so high.does no one ask?

So altogether, as a virgin media consumer, sorting after the asian network, we should be paying no more....NO more then.....£8.50 pence.

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