Sunday 17 January 2010

The fact

So the question is, am I mad , schizophrenic or just, intellectual.

Well, I would love to say, today, that my name is Jane, or maybe Ben, or it could be plain Vicky, but I think I will stick just to the zil; or seal.
And you will say,
But you have expressed so many different displays' in your nature and your ways,
And I will say,
Would you have really noticed if you wasn't studying my every move,
Or maybe it should be you, to under go the study, to see if you could deal with the same as what you all put me through.
And it was hard, and it was too much,
and I wasn't allowed to mix and learn with the rest of the community,
I had to make my own way through, the last book,
And you, did you start from scratch, or did you have a teacher to teach you,
What it took me so long to learn, the diplomatic ways', of dealing with each of you.
And you will say,
Oh your shy ways',
And I will say, yes that is true, I did, suffer from very high faith,
But after some time of true hardship of mother hood I did learn other ways' too, maybe you are just limited in you capacity to comprehend that I am not mad.

I am just what I am , I have a vast knowledge of religious and diplomatic ways', obtaining and holding onto what I have learned a gift from God, yes or not, and I think you have discovered I know a lot. And that maybe scary for a lot of you.

And then, how about for me, when I see what I see, in my dreams' be it heaven or hell, and all that I tell, is from dreams', I do not converse with the jinn, though i have seen, and heard them, it is disallowed, and the Quran expels them from the house. And you have the cheek to investigate if I am mad then you are surely not the believer that you claim you are, for to doubt the existence of such things' is itself a major sin. And how would I know such things', be it not for these real dreams', but you still question, then you have to ask , yourselves, do you have true belief in God, or heaven or hell.

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