Sunday 17 January 2010

After a ten year rein of peace; falling in a land that had been stricken previous by war. It puzzles one, why any nation without hard evidence; that a country ,that was under a, what had become, subtle dictatorship of a good ten year period, could fear a world threat of terror. A hard-stricken impoverished land, with bare minimum of resources', their only reliance being that of crude oil.

After an extreme on going pressure, from an extravagant country, to send in a convoy of inspectors', of what could have been perceived as an investigation to prepare for an attack, it is no wonder; the leader of the dictatorship, at that time, refused entrance to ( the not named country, above, encase of reprimand ), what is well know for passed and present aggressions' on neighbouring countries' in past history and present day.

Now; the so called tyrants' of the eighties', are being brought to account for crimes' that were discussed, with and premeditated with outside forces' and agreements' that must have been prepared and layed down. That is no excuse for mass murder on any scale, but the question that is sought after, is, if these Arabs' were striped by force, of their titles', without viable evidence that they proposed a neighbouring threat at that proposed time, was preposterous, to send in another onslaught of what was perceived and viewed to the rest of the world, as a dormant, peaceful country, ready to slowly negotiate terms'. Now; not only have thousands' of men from both nations', lost their lives', family, work, jobs' and body parts', it seems hypocritical to trial a one person or several people, for the mess slaughter, of half the victims' lost and humiliated in the ongoing, aggressive onslaught.

It makes' one wonder who the real aggressors are?.

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