Saturday 19 May 2012

Support for Mel Gibson We know that his remarks were extremely insensitive towards a community that has many hands in all directions' of professions'. We know and believe to be true, that Mr Gibson did'nt intend to insult a whole race of people, at a particular bad time in his life, rather he intended to high-light the position of the palestinians' in other areas' during his career, by being a political-actor and motivator. Having strong inclinations to high-light the murder taking place between the two religous'- groups', being inclined to sway in the religous departments of history studies and religous studies in the acting profession. After having female troubles and a night out with drug affiliations of the more mild-nature, Mr Gibson, found himself passing remarks that would be rather unsaid within the public domain. He didnt intent to up-set any person and or persons related to the acting profession and or any religous hebrew that had incurred any death and or damage by the opposition. I understand that this is high sensitive to all involved and send my regards', to both parties involved in the slurring drunken remarks that were better left unsaid. And that, we wish for Mel a swift return. I understand that no one wishes to repressent Mel at this time, with high inprisonments of political motivators and other such, and that you must understand that this isnt easy for me, but would rather support him, in that his remarks were mere foolish and that, it is not as if he hasnt been foolish in other areas of mouth exposures of ignorant commentry before.

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