Saturday 26 May 2012

I am in high witness protection because I was witness to the taking of a child. Within that, I was a key witness to only the abduction. I was at that time, of similar height and weight as the other child who was abducted. The crime its'self, was committed by a elderly man. Who took the young child by the hand and escorted her away. The crime its'self was so bad, that the details involved cannot be released. I am under high police security, because I have the body shape of a young boy, though I resemble a young female child. They ring network have tracked me and are believed to be allocated and working and networking in this area. All children who come to my door are at high risk, including my own and myself. I can not leave my property, or travel abroad because I will be putting thousands of other children and or anyone who resembles me, at risk and or furthering risks'. It was believed that I told lies about a marriage to a former husband of my mother in relation to child abuse of outer bodily natures', no penetration involved. During the investigation the police held me down, and took the virgin stones', making me officially the Queen under all religous laws written under the rein of the King (Henry the Eighth), because that was the only way that they could prove if the allegations set against me, was a falsity, when they found out I was a virgin of the law of the land, the prosecution stated that I lied against the child allegations of the former spouse of my mother. When these allegations set about him, meaning my mothers husband at the time, were completely true. Me and my brother, was never at home. This was said to have taken place as part of the revenge attacks', by the local community, who, because the details about the case sensitive murder, whereby sharp blades were used in the genitals of, its believed to be both holes' of this victim, not released because of case sensitivities involving the murder of this child, had thought that I and my brother was involved.....not true. We was at he shops for just a few minutes', the elderly man had taken the young female child, chopped through her bones' and mutilated her, subjecting her to repeated rapes', he then went onto place her body in bin bags' and dump her in the flats where he was and or behind where he was living at the time. the police stated that the crime left the flats soaked in the victims blood. In that, I have had high revenge attacks', whereby my family have been subjected to all kinds of abuses'. I wish for a injunction to be taken out by any association of the prosecution, to stop them from coming near me and or my family. The fact of the matter is, the ring has advanced and are located in the area and are surrounding me. High investors wish for all pending criminalities to be removed from the location because of the sensitivity of the case, and allocated a new rehab worker. The higher investors' My husband should be allowed to work because of the advanced networking of this ring.

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