Saturday 9 July 2011


Somali refugee, slandered with the operative name, terror - suspect, under the American institutions', of holding captives of war, under their administrations of imprisonments', without understanding cultural issues' of inner tribal divisions' of county, country and or religious internal conflicts', that are partial to the land in question, and in all due respects', this is without the other inflicting impending forwarding forces' of European and or American advances.

Warsames' activities' of riding with group youths', who carry guns' as part of normality under the circumstances of historic war continuations of conflictions'.

Unable to understand English comprehensions', and to express the time lapses' of land class divisions' between Africa and the west, the terms' and or litigation's or allegations put to him, would be unidentifiable, leading warsame to comment on issues' that he is neither educated in and or versed in, in addition to the American institutional advancing and leadings of judicial literature's', thus placing him in a extremely venerable situation, whereby he can not express and or render the appropriation of the apparent statement of accounts', to why and what he was doing at a scene of crossfire, between American advancing forces' and other conflicting sectional groups', also pertaining to fight between themselves', as fractional groups', at the same momentary event.

And that, after explaining to him the circumstance through family ties of communicative', he now knows' what he is being accused of, and has stated that he wishes to withdraw all impending statements', as they were obtained without clarity of circumstance and that he was just a mere standby spectator, who was captured,confused and mis-led into confessions' that he didn't know what he was being set up and or put forward against him.

even though he could participate in standard English, he thought that, he was going to obtain entry to the land of freedom, by just confirmation of activities', and didnt understand fully that he would be up for a complete life sentence under the accusations brought about against him, and that he thought he would be out of prison within a year or two...

And that, after confederations with these' forces', that are now rumoured to be hated in his home land, he would be unable to return to Somalia, and alternative arrangements would need to be made, as his life would be now in a most venerable and life threatening situation.

No other comments will be made...this is the full version of accounts', and any other statements put forward were, done under duress of misleading language etiquette's', that were highly confusing, and disorientating to the individual in question.

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