Friday 8 July 2011

Richard Reid

We are asking for the diplomatic immunity of Mr Richard Reid, into the hands of British Custody, under the legal rights' of British National Citizenship.

Listed requirements for diplomatic immunity is as follows:

We are asking for the release of Mr Richard Reid into the hands of the British Nation, as we feel and know, there has been major floors in other top priority cases', that have seen to the indicting of other prison personnel, charged and sentenced, and then seen to full release, under far worse allegations of terrorism plot ploys, than Mr Richard Reid himself.

We are also stating that Mr Richard Reid was suffering from temporary insanity, that can correlate with his attitude and past pretences' of youth related crimes', and other documented medical history of his case pending high depression, confusion and a prospect of no hope future, miss-interpreting talk lectures of monthly professional teachers', otherwise released due to irresponsible accusations by the police institutions who had little and or no comprehension of addressing a course of lectures in Islamic studies', as explained in earier case hearings of defence that have now seen to the acquittal of higher ranking terror suspects', that have been released into protective custody with full blown apologies and compensation to reward them for their miss-fortune of insinuations of accusations' and or other.

Further still, we as the investigation services of MI5, have seen, witnessed, read, and studied cases', that have been left in the hands of the American authorities', whereby, higher ranking accusations and briefings of circumstantial and or evidential facts', have later been squashed, and bailed into the hands of witness protections', being of far more pending severity than this impending case.

With major floors in other more higher ranking cases', within the Justice departments of the American institutions', with acquittals and compassion's' awarded to people who were classed as the top of also all leaderships'.

We are now in the process to call for review of our citizen, with all evidences sent via top security, along with the prisoner himself, so that we can make our own formal investigation and or other.

We also have had a top briefing on this individuals' unstable history and understand that he had a problematic youth and issues that may have led him to committee this particular act.

We also believe that this attempted act, wouldn't have seen to the harm of any individual at all, considering the size and or proportion of this particular item used.

Therefore; we do have high reservations about your approaches' in relation to this individual and also with access to his whole youth period, in relation to our approaches in regards to compassionate laws', in relation to the mental health act. Therefore, we will be forwarding this documentation onto Geneva conventions', and be taking other decisive actions', to get a transferee for our citizen and rights to fair trail here, as soon as immediately possible.

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