Wednesday 20 July 2011

Abd Al Heela

Date of Birth: 30/01/1968

Place of birth: Yeman

Internal serial number:US9YM-001463DP

a.In relation to this case hearing and review: Detainee is being accused of, under ' ONLY', assumptions of continual accusations of accounts. Without verified proofs of continued threat associations', only by assuming, and or assumption, and can not be submitted from the prosecution of effect, to the courts', as a verified submitted evidences of factual status, by internal army official.

b.In these accusations of accounts, pertaining to be submitted, is another flimsy statement, made by the prosecution, to the effect of, that the person in question, was refusing to give furthering accounts of his circumstance, and help with official documentations'. The person in question pertains to state, that after hearing more then numerous accounts of other detainees', whose transits of accounts were mishandled and mis-appropriated, to the effect of further incrimination's', he then went onto further his rights to non-correspondences' within any statements of accounts' of his own accord, until further notice from advancing solicitor help.

c. Person in question, states', that he admits having knowledge of these factual incidences that took place at different locations across the Arab lands and or on other coastal area's, having been an advent reader of Media coverage, like any citizen keeping up to date with worldly issues' of concerns' in relation to his own native people. And in this, he was neither partisan to any individual attack and or planning of any such incident himself.

d. The individual then states in actual accounts', that he was a general employee of the Yemani Political Security Organisation, that he does not deny, and that this employment, wasn't in awe of any breaking's of the laws' of the land, in his country of origin at that particular time in history. He also states', like any individual-persons' in a position of being able to pass through documentations' and fast track peoples' legal rights', depending on family ties' of kinship and or outside friendships', and or other people in question, who knew of someone who needed a fast tracked application, and even though authorities', in even the most advancing countries claim, that these fast tracking applications of peoples', families and or other, are not made priority, make official references' through association affiliations', to fast track such documentations', if the real truth beknown, and it is of a most common practice....of course, it is a most silent policy, considering high profile jobs can be lost at the hands of such actions'. Therefore, he is not disputing that he did some minor illegalities', that would have foreseen to a job loss, but didn't have any idea that he would be set up for charges of conspiring against internal international forces', for helping and aiding or abetting, other then general ties and links of people, that have asked through connections of town residence known to and or associated with any near persons of effected status as described, for fast tracking documentations, a and I state once again, a common, usually under normal circumstances', harmless action.

e. Under circumstance of job description, working in interior administrations', there was at that time, un-noted threats' made by unknown persons' and or personalities', that would implement words of unnoted actions', that would otherwise be an immediate threat of lives' and or other campaign issues' within the work place its' self , in a means of aggravated position at the disallowing of any applications being refused, and other internal affairs of nation status' and high profile degrees' of conversational leaks' from other international forces of administrations' getting wind of other known threats, before these actions of threats were actually declared and or carried out, as well the Judge knows'.

f. The person in question also states' that, in such job descriptions of professionalism's', there is always a chance of being linked in with other groups', unbeknown at the time of passage, to be a threat to either state and or state security, and that these associational links', were not seen and easily slipped through as non-accountable and or non-existent at the time of associational ties', correspondences and or other, through a high profile job of internal administrations of affairs', and that there are hundreds of 9/11 workers and employees that also had links with other people that were then associated with the attacks', and had no credible idea, that these individuals' were and or had other connective personalities of associates' not necessary, indicted on convictions themselves', but with known associational ties and or lines of correspondences'.

G. There is nothing to suggest that, by self intention, the personality in question had any previous criminal outlets of associations that can even be suggested and or proven as factual floors to self criminality's', straight in all graduations, and a high profile law abiding citizen, with no and or past history to suggest otherwise, who rose to his position through education and graduation , coming from a well-to-do and monetary family of accumulations', to support his educational needs from the off-set.

h. After the threats and high security deployments of cross war confusions', the person in question states' that he sort out by all intent and purposes', security before travelling under deployment of work in progress, through the credible steps under the correct legal proceedings to safe guard his national reputation of character. The person in questions states that, after the events of international administrations' pressures' to interrogate Arabs' across the board, he knew the associated risks', and that's why he went ahead to secure his travel before hand. As can be verified. When he reached the otherside, he was arrested and apprehended, without any given reason to the effect of why he was held under interrogation acts and or other. The person in questions' states', that he was not aware that fractional members from his nation had deployed various telephone and or other communications of threats' under his name association for further release without negotiations' and that he apologies for this', but believes that some fractional groups thought that furthering action against that native homeland people, would be in continuation of further abuses' by higher powers of authorities'.

i.The person in question states', that he understands some of his behaviours to have been unreasonable at times', but pertains' that he thought he wouldn't get a chance for any kind of appeal status, with any legal representative, who would thereafter be prepared to take on such a high risk and high profile case with the impending accusations of falsity brought about against him under his case profile of effect, and or under the criminality charges set out against him, releasing a potential of life-time incarceration, was enough to strike unreasonable behaviours at times' , as seen with other life sentence victims', accused of crimes that they were neither engaged in and or partisan too, thereafter, they were found to be freed and convictions of such natures dropped, with furthering apologies.

j.The prison in question states', that the thought of being incarcerated under false accusations sent him into a temporary state of erratic behaviours', that were also brought on by provocative behaviours from higher ranking guards', who appeared to be farcical at times', in regards to disregarding his basic human rights and or other.

k.The person in question states', that prior to any unbeknown source of fractional groups and or individual that went about to form further groups', thereafter, at later dates of time passages', he passed legal documentations through, as stated in his job description and his right of work, and under all legal settings and above board through existing extensive reviews' of characters as seen in all interior administrations of authorisations codes' and commissions'. The person in question states; that all his prior history of education, graduations and or other, was done under and all above board without prior convictions and or other to suggest otherwise, as can be verified through media resource, such as places of study and legal rights to travel through other obtained legal documentation to declare such correctional facts'.

l.I state as a legal representative, high suggestive assumptions have been made, that can neither be proven as factual evidences' that the person in question had known links of a personal nature with the individual groups as stated, prior to the suggestive remarks being made, nor can they be brought to the legal table to continue such an illegal imprisonment.

m.We will be looking for, immediate release, into witness protection, after such affairs' of discrimination's', the person in question will never be able to resume a normal lifestyle, and or return to his appropriated place of employment. The person needs his immediate family, a workplace and compensation for illegal imprisonment, accusations that can not be proven against his self, and other abuses' of incarcerations'.

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