Saturday 17 March 2012


Exporting water would be a temporary solution.

The atmosphere of mist and evaporation is a direct result of the contents of the amount of water that the natural quarries contain.

If you start extracting that, it will only be a matter of time before the evaporation decreases', causing a lessening amount of water vapour into the atmosphere, slowly drying up the land, leaving it open for a complete abandonment of the town as seen on other historic-sites that used to distribute and trade in water hundreds of years ago.

So if you wish to extract water and export it, you have to be looking at investing in carbon controls, lights-out, and other ways to reserve and cool down the atmosphere creating a self reliant atmosphere.

I wouldn't invest in exporting water, I would invest in a bird watching resort and nature reserve with a camera controlled environment, on how many oh tots' the vistors are allowed to take daily.

I use about ten gallons of water on a bad day and about seven gallons of water on a good, with six members in visitation of my housing unit , daily, sometimes even less then that, so when I hear he America is using 136 gallons of water per day power house hold, omg that is an extraordinarily huge amount of water usage, no wonder your land looks like its in the midst's of a drought.

By creating more water, you are cooling the atmosphere down in the environment increasing the cooling temperature of what directly restores the cooling temperatures' on and around the ice caps', decreasing the amount of melting, with immediate effects'.

Oh yes, I do the difference between a wolverine and a fox.

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