Saturday 21 August 2010

If Iran is allowed to start up nuclear programmes', of what, and lets' empathise this fact, the reason why we was convinced as a British nation and other neighbouring countries to go to war against Saddam Hussein and Iraq, by American forces', why ha vent anybody imposed sanctions on Iran to stop its nebular power programme seen that the rest of the world was so against Iraq for having mass weapons of destruction.

And that if most of the world has been disarmed, from these exploitative programmes' of weapons' of mass destruction then the few countries that are involved in such affairs' of programmes should also be forced by pressure of cutting relation ties' and embargoes' to submit their programmes'.

They can either be apart of the world community or they can be segregated from carrier of goods exportation's'.

I would like for the exchange of this document, to be able to implement full sharia laws' in Saudi Arabia, with reviewments of cases', with leniency, regarding circumstance', and a slow introduction of these laws' into the rest of the Arabian peninsula.

I dont think it so much to ask, to stop the progression war campaign

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