Saturday 28 August 2010

And the banks new this about mr asama, and so did correspondence, but yet they still chose to advertise his bluff, in order to enter and oppress the muslim further//
so then the question leads on to...........who was the the first hand ...................and why did they choose to advertise mr asama's bluff......when they knew what they had done to all his fiance thus leaving him broke, and disconnected from his family unit due to the apparent forwarding of Khartoum under the current leadership of another arab tribe .

....but having ousted two very important and influential business men in Arabia by halting their funds'' by means of a bias campaign they grow their investments from this, and thus their business of banking flourished.

What happened and why ?

Banks and a great de3al of money-two very important entrepreneurs ousted out-then you have the perfect plot and reason for an unprecedented attack-as so for the normal people to presume, it was an authentic plan derived from a few broke men.

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