Tuesday 31 August 2010

The migration of the qu'rash was a different historic line, as when they migrated, they made it well known prior to their exit, that they would not be giving their rights of the land up and that they would return when they had reformed their army gathering to obtain the land that was being sieged at the time, by family of their own unit.

And that it was a family dispute as some higher ranking qu'rashies' had not excepted the final scriptations' as authentic, on the return of the migration, the acceptance had become strong fold, and the obtaining of the occupation was given up with ease.

And warfare then, hadn't regulations as it has now.

And that it appears that the American forces alongside and with persuasion of baffled conspiracies', are allowed to attack as they feel fit without reprimand of reprisals for any crimes' commit ed, and that no other land in the world is allowed to declare war under international conventions', this is a bias campaign...... and laws need to be re addressed. How can one land be allowed to declare war on any state that they please, but no other countries are allowed to do so as it is classed as an illegal act of perpetration's'? Who is the tyrant?

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