Friday 20 August 2010

The Americans' have all of a sudden, taken it upon themselves' to make a huge fuss over this incident. Now; as a united nations' committee we understand that there was a few fatalities' on the day their plane went down on the Scottish boarders'.

The Scottish people were absolutely devastated at the effect that this disaster had on their economy and the dist ruction it caused via the descention of the plane, down onto the Scottish land of Great Britain. In all due respects to America, there could have been hundreds' of Scottish people killed that day, but to our only advantage there wasn't.

Out of our respects' for the victims' lost that day, we didn't seek any compensation from America seen that it was their flight that crossed the boarders' and destroyed many and much of the land that we eventually had to pay for, out of our generosity.

If there had been fatalities with Scottish citizens' we would have taken exactly the same approach on the releasing of this prisoner, as we feel as a sectional state, that even under the first incidence of conviction, after reviewment, we realised that really the evidence against this man, was inconclusive, and so we would have made the same decision had the circumstances been different, and or our own people died that day, as we our a compassionate state, and feel that the evidence put forward was really insufficient

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