Sunday 3 February 2013

A Master Degree Paper

Writen in relation to the medical disposition of :


There are different forms of giantisms':
Giantism is usually defined as a person and or persons' inclined to have unusual growth developments'.

Growth developments' in relation to gland-problematics', is not common, but has been recorded to be a small percentage of every generation, through a genetic disposition of misplaced DNA, fabric, geneatics'.


Gland problematics', in growthal-developments', in relation, to this form of giantisms':

1. Unusual, stimulated, growth, leading to early death related disorder, in comparison to, other giants with different DNA structual grwoth codes'.

How to slow down the glandual stimualtion in this form of giantisms' ?

1.a . Take huge amounts of daily exercise.

2.b . Eat at regular intervals involving a daily dietry plan.

This will not decrease the risk factor of early death in relation to this form of giantisms', but will increase life expectencies' by three times as much.

By taking these small beneficial steps', any giant suffering from this genetic defect, will or can increase life up to one hundred and twenty years', plus.

There are infact other forms of giantisms', like and or similar to twin infusions', whereby,  the brainal matter is comprised and compressed into secular divisions', whereby, up to eight different people, can be comprised into one human being, with all internal organs to match.

This would then implicate, slow growth at a steady pace, with extreme over-growth, in relation to future developments', with  long- life DNA coded structure, because of the positional brainal matter of each individual sharing the human encasement, this would also mean that the positional brain matter would be in a fetal position, ready for future developments', this would also mean that death would almost be a certainty, after extreme long life endurances', and that surpass all current normal individuals'.

This would also mean, speaking in thrid party, that life in the proposed future, isnt going to get any easier for this kind of discriptive giantism DNA coded conscripts'.

I believe there maybe other individuals with the same coded DNA structure,  as mentioned above, in relation to fetal giantism, though I havent been informed as of yet, who they are and or their where-abouts'.  ..

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