Tuesday 2 February 2010

The Rights of Religion

It is with regret that; a few activists', could deface the whole principle and concept, of the foundations' of the true church, of what it sets' its' standards' upon, the truth of morality and humanity, and it continually tries' to reach the levels' of forgiveness, that the preachers' of the old doctrines' had obtained and reached. With full- forgiveness of crimes', of when, returned to full repentance, does not constitute the rights' of gay activists', that go against the whole threshold of the churches' door.

It is not, at the hands' of politicians'; to set the standards' of the doctrines' of holy-religion, them being versed in economy and social issues', do not by anyway and or means', lead them on, to take decision on the preachers', who have spent many years', at the study of historical and factual evidence, in, ( majority and minority , cases').

With the politicians', residing in the favour of the people, they devour the rights' of the religious evidences', without any regard to the effects and impacts' of social disease of what is evident and clear from their mis-leadings' and understandings' . What-so-ever, do they care, as long as they please the people, be it mayhem and murder, for an unconscious vote, to have hold over the state of the economy and monetary funds'. It is with sickness and disgust, that a few men, who as stated previously, have no idea of the true extent of religious facts' and documents', who studied religions' as part of a three year course at university. And go against the preachers'/male leaders of the church, who as stated before, have studied the scripts' for many many years.

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