Sunday 28 February 2010

The Death of Kira

There has been an allegation made regarding the biological father of kira, against his precedents' of character.

The press have by intention; slandered an innocent man; by making a allegation that he, as the biological father, should have pressed and pursued the issues' of entrance, into his Ex-partners/wife's home, to inspect the welfare of his biological daughter.

It appears' that the news-paper-reporters' can not make up their minds' on the Male-Sector of the Muslim community. They are either; of terro-istic conduction, or they are of immature status in regards' to enforcing their male dominance, in regards' to the welfare of their children.

If he had pursued in conduction of an illegal entrance to his former wife's property, he would have been arrested and taken for questioning. It appears' that after the circumstances' relating to the terror attacks' such as the 9//11; incident, the male sector of the Muslim community have unprecedented concerns' for their involvement with any kind of authoritarian communities'. Be it social services' and or police enforcement.

It appears' that the press have much to answer for, in regards' to the slandering of a huge majority of innocent Muslims' from vast communities, that have fallen victim to their on-going biased opinions' of sector faiths'. This is just the latest victim /victims' to fall into the slanderous occupation of the unconcerted media.

The family involved in the death of Kira; had been concerned and unable to voice their concerns' to the involvement of the social services' of what has now resulted in a death.

The involvement of the social services' must have had a detrimental effect' on the psychology of the parents who was subsequently the soul careers' of Kira. Thus resulting in punishments' and restrictions' of what must have resulted in her death.

It is of a concern for parents' who are unable to articulate their concerns', if they have poor articulation skills'; it is only reasonable for them to shut down and become segregated from the pressing social services'. Living in constant fear that their children and family would ultimately be separated and or split up. Thus because of the involvement of a slight incident at the pre-school the whole of the social services' took it upon themselves' to enforce a unfair and hursh involvements, thus resulting in home schooling and segregation, of what may have caused kira to fall victim to anorexia. It is a common and cultural aspect of the Muslim communities' to live in humble and minimalistic lifestyles'. Eating from blows' with hands'; from seating positions' is all part of the humble teachings' of the Islamic faith. If the media understood the Islamic faith more, then maybe they would be more careful in their allegations' that they have little or no knowledge of.

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