Friday 26 February 2010

After an over-all review of the leisure-facility and merging team meetings', it has been made apparent that there is a call for supply NVQ; teachers', to come in and fulfill contracted terms' of study. An ideal opportunity for the local unemployed women and young men, who otherwise failed, or didn't, due to other circumstances', fulfill their term of education.

It is with this in mind; that a joint plan has been established with the library to host such courses'. The government would benefit, by drawing-in local-people who otherwise dropped out of the educational system. By investing in the hosting of such supply teaching, the government would be saving more money from tax services' by increasing the number of people who could possibly be future employees', from such benefits'.

It seems' such a waste to have a fantastic complex; that is the center of a small, well -founded suburban-village, without the investment of the local peoples' interests'.

For most of the residents in the area; the idea of going into a gigantic study complex, can or could be perceived as over-whelming and confidence knocking, so not only would this Idea benefit the local community, it would also be an investment for the funds' of the government, in the long-run. Cutting unemployment rates' and offering people who would normally not think about further education, the opportunity to do so. And I believe that it would cut crime rate, unemployment and social issues' in the near future.

As the over-all manager of this complex it appears' that their are a high number of unemployed mothers', who would be delighted to attend NVQ courses' at their local library or community hall facility. It would also be an ideal place to host such supply covering courses'; with reference books' and other materials' available. It seems' that the government would be doing themselves' an injustice if they refused to host such an opportunity, for people who refrain from attending great complexes' due to confidence issues'.

Best regards' K.

OK xxx.

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